NeuroSchool PhD contracts in neuroscience are available at Aix Marseille University (France) for students with a master’s degree from a foreign university.
Apply through this application site, deadline April 2, 2023
Three of the following proposed projects will be funded :
- BLOUIN Jean (LNC): Cutaneous control of voluntary finger movements.
- BROVELLI Andrea (INT): Higher-order interactions in human brain networks supporting causal learning.
- CHARROUX Bernard, CAVEY Matthieu (IBDM): Neuronal bases of behavior evolution in Drosophila.
- DEVRED François (INP): Tau droplets inhibitors: a new class of anti-neurodegenerative disease compounds.
- DEBANNE Dominique (UNIS): Plasticity of intrinsic neuronal excitability in visual thalamic neurons.
- FASANO Laurent (IBDM): Towards a potential therapy of a rare form of autism spectrum disorder: Genetic rescue of Tshz3.
- IBOS Guilhem, CHAVANE Frédéric (INT): Inferring and modelling large scale cortical interactions during comparative decision making in non-human primates.
- KRAHN Martin, Gorokhova Svetlana (MMG): Plasma profiling as a novel biomarker for a rare neuromuscular disease.
- KHRESTCHATISKY Michel (INP): Vector-based targeting of RNA therapeutics to the brain for the development of novel treatments for neurodegenerative disorders.
- MANENT Jean-Bernard (INMED): Identifying early signs of circuit dysfunction before epilepsy onset in murine models of cortical malformations.
- PERRINET Laurent (INT): An efficient modelling approach for the detection of spiking motifs in neurobiological data.
- PICARDO Michel, BAUDE Agnès (INMED): Hippocampal dynamics in health and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during the first two postnatal weeks.
- RIVERA BAEZA Claudio, MINLEBAEV Marat (INMED): Role of surround inhibition in generalization and propagation of epileptic activity in the neonatal brain in vivo.
- RIVERA Santiago (INP): Mechanisms of action of MT5-MMP in Alzheimer’s disease and therapeutic modulation using viral-mediated transgenic strategies.